2017 Republican gubernatorial nominee Ed Gillespie today pitched in behind the counter at Lawrence Pharmacy in Chesapeake, waiting on patrons at the Creek Grill, located in the pharmacy. Ed took the opportunity to talk with his fellow Virginians about the challenges they’re facing, and the policies he’s put forward to help solve them.
Check out Ed’s Snapchat and Instagram stories and a Facebook video below, to learn more about his shift at Lawrence Pharmacy.
Watch HERE.

Ed Gillespie: I just did a little shift behind the counter at the Lawrence Pharmacy here in Deep Creek. It is a longstanding family business here, and the folks here love to come and see neighbors and catch up on local gossip. I had a great time serving up some BLTs, some eggs over easy, and some bacon, and I would encourage you to go check out Snapchat and Instagram get a little behind-the-scenes look at conversations we had here. This is a wonderful small business, and again, I’m going to continue to put forward policies that will help make it easier to open and grow a business here, a new business and expand an existing one in the Commonwealth. This is the lifeblood of our economy.
Ed, who tended bar during college, picked up a shift at Lendy’s Cafe in Virginia Beach earlier this month.